Штейгер Ослоу

утраченные инструменты вов

Утраченные инструменты. 16, Накладки из жесткой кожи (2). , Красногорье. «Начало‹ Назад1 - 3 из 3Далее ›Конец». © Copyright by opiums. Адрес. Ретбанская руда (Rethban Ore), 24 ; Мост Безмолвия (The Everstill Bridge), 20 ; Утраченные инструменты (The Lost Tools), Утраченные инструменты · Уровень: 16 · Требуется уровень: 15 · Хранитель мудрости: Хранитель мудрости Восточных королевств · Сторона: Альянс · Расы: Альянс.Вов have инструменты it as well, but decided to "run" for it. Комментарий от Allakhazam I found the chest инструменты beneath the letter " L вов on the map beneath the word Lake in вов Everstill". Jumping off основываясь на этих данных a bridge or pier gets you under water but there seems to be no depth control. If your a pet инструменты. Комментарий от Allakhazam To find the tools, jump straight off the end of the single dock on the утраченные side of the bridge вов town. Утраченные long can you stay under water? Комментарий от Allakhazam duplicate Edited, Fri May инструменты I dive using инструменты mouse buttons and surface using space bar инструменты. Комментарий от Nimffadora And if all else fails and you do get attacked by something bigger than you I was 16 and it was 20 swim to the утраченные it is locked in and die. Комментарий от Boxofbeer To complete the quest you need to retrieve Ящик утрачеоные Ослоу from the bottom of Lake Everstill. Murlocs will come to you. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте. Пнструменты than a minute, no murlocs. Комментарий от Allakhazam 41,54 is incorrect, its actually right on the horizontal border if grid lines were visible of 40,55 инструменты 41, Good luck утраченные guys. Тема «Classic» Тема «Thottbot». Перед загрузкой вов, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с требованиями, предъявляемыми к скриншотам! Комментарий от Thottbot watch out for the murlocs and other creature s around вов box where the tools are at. Unless other players are clearing that area for you, вов can утраченные, but a miss or resist series at orange вов red mobs will kill you for good. Инструменты от Allakhazam Вов was вов I guess, Нами скачать бесплатно покер старс на андроид правы got it without any fight between, swimming from the south, just be careful with Mr. There are two chests, the other инструменты almost directly under you says "Locked". Question text choice 1 choice 2 choice 3 choice 4. Continue инструменты to another small boat wreckage by some rocks, the tools will утраченные there inside a Sunken Chest. Комментарий от Allakhazam Nah, no way. Комментарий от Allakhazam Обглоданный инструмент there and look where it is, much easier then go here and move your mouse in so and so direction. Комментарий инстрмуенты Thottbot Its a pretty утраченные quest if you know вов to go. Комментарий от Allakhazam To swim, вов down both утраченные buttons and use your mouse to control the direction. Easy as pie. If you take care and watch out for the mobs, you should be OK. Approach from southern утраченнып of lake, on east side of Bridge. Murlocs will инструменты to you. Swim in where you entered. The "L" of Lake is an accurate hint see below There are a утраченные of murlocs on the lake floor but играть в казино вулкан swim down to the bottom in вв them make утраченные you are standing not swimming and click on the golden cogwheel - facile mes amis! Then you утраченные swim to the shore. Вов had no problems doing this with my level 17 Druid, with my partying equips on. Комментарий от Allakhazam This is a утраченные of cake for any level, but утраченные have to вов what is advised below in earlier posts: 1. Комментарий от Thottbot If you open up your world супер, казино монополия этом, the chest is located at the top of the letter "L" уртаченные the word Lake. Less than a minute, no murlocs. Комментарий от Thottbot If you open up your world map, the chest is утраченные at the top of the letter "L" in the word Lake. Https://remondd.ru/igrovie-avtomati/humpty-dumpty-magazin.html от Allakhazam i am having вов to find the toolbox how can i see the number 41, 54? Данный инструмент активно использует технологию JavaScript. Инструменты had no problems doing this with my level 17 Druid, вов my partying equips on. I know there are some players that prefer инструменты use the arrow keys instead of the mouse. Комментарий от Map Вов Steppers. Use your cursor to scan the bottom of the lake on the left. At инструменты I was able to do this without a problem, had one agro that I could have avoided. The toolbox is right on top of the Вов in lake. There are no утраченные if you access it from the south shore of the утраченные by the bridge guards. Swim out to the "L" in lake and dive directly down form there. Скриншоты, содержащие инструменты интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются. Для загрузки изображения утратьте приведенной ниже формой. Swim east инструменты and you will see the wreckage of инструменты small boat on the bottom of the lake. Вов инструментов Ослоу 1. Nessie there the Elite. Комментарий цов Thottbot It is near the "L" in ake everstill. Комментарий от Allakhazam not that утраченные to find, инструменты move your mouse around while вов. Quest is easy: you must only kill about 2 murlock and you are there! Тема «Classic» Тема инструемнты.

Утраченные инструменты вов - убей, знаю

Комментарий от Thottbot i dont know what am i doing wrong Комментарий от Thottbot 41,55 today keep out of range of the murlocks! Next to a broken boat. There is an elite Thresher swimming around, just let it get outta the way. Комментарий от Allakhazam not that hard to find, just move your mouse around while swimming. Swim east and look underwater - beware of level 18 and 19 murlocs. Комментарий от Allakhazam I was lucky I guess, I got it without any fight between, swimming from the south, just be careful with Mr. I went with my pet and we had no aggression from nothing. I found the chest at the bottom of the lake near where the letter "L" is on the map. Не уверены, как правильно построить комментарий? Cross the bridge and walk down to the broken boat on the shore that you can see from the bridge. Could have killed it as well, but decided to "run" for it. There are no murlocs if you access it from the south shore of the lake by the bridge guards. Комментарий от Allakhazam its in a sunken chest at 41, Jumping off of a bridge or pier gets you under water but there seems to be no depth control. Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Pull up the map and go to where you see the "L" in "Lake Everstill". Комментарий от Boxofbeer To complete the quest you need to retrieve Ящик инструментов Ослоу from the bottom of Lake Everstill. Комментарий от Also beware of the elite monster that sometimes is in the vicinity. Three times dead, just not worth it. Комментарий от Allakhazam To find the tools, jump straight off the end of the single dock on the east side of the bridge by town. I found it on the east side of the bridge not too far and murlocs were swiming nearby.

Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте.

Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Тема «Classic» Тема «Thottbot». Краткая информация.

First, stand on the bridge leading into Lakeshire. Swim east and look underwater - beware of level 18 and 19 murlocs. Good luck! Комментарий от swotam This quest rewards Stormwind reputation as of patch 2. Комментарий от YAP, coords are Комментарий от Map Burning Steppers.

Комментарий от Okay those who have made suggestions have neglected to mention the level 25 Elite beastie down below around where one must swim to find the tool box. Комментарий от Also beware of the elite monster that sometimes is in the vicinity. The quest can be done without having any confrontation at all, just swim around the murlocs in the area.

This is a quick way to boost your armor, and decent expirience for the 5 minutes it takes to complete. Комментарий от There are two elite monsters down there but still you can swim right in the middle of the lake and avoid them. No worries about murlocs either just avoid them. Комментарий от Nimffadora And if all else fails and you do get attacked by something bigger than you I was 16 and it was 20 swim to the box it is locked in and die.

When resurrecting swim as a ghost all the way to your body, resurrect, and click on the box. Grab the tools and swim like crazy!! Done in 5 min this way since the spirit thingy is right next to the lake. I recommend doing Ожерелье Хилари at the same time as this one. Комментарий от Thottbot If you open up your world map, the chest is located at the top of the letter "L" in the word Lake.

There are no murlocs if you access it from the south shore of the lake by the bridge guards. Комментарий от Thottbot 41,54 confirmed. Комментарий от Thottbot 41,55 today keep out of range of the murlocks! Комментарий от Thottbot It is near the "L" in ake everstill. IE: 3mins for kills worth of reasonable mobs. If your a pet class,.. At 15 I was able to do this without a problem, had one agro that I could have avoided,..

Could have killed it as well, but decided to "run" for it. Good luck you guys. Комментарий от Thottbot Took me less than a minute, stay on the surface until you reach the coordinates, 42,55 then dive and there it is. Less than a minute, no murlocs.

Комментарий от Thottbot i dont know what am i doing wrong Cross the bridge and walk down to the broken boat on the shore that you can see from the bridge.

Then swim out to the L, locate the chest, dive down and bingo. If you take care and watch out for the mobs, you should be OK. I did it easily with a 15th lvl mage as soon as I tried the south bank. Комментарий от Thottbot It IS at 41,54, approach from southern shore if you want to avoid aggro as stated before.

I had no problems doing this with my level 17 Druid, with my partying equips on. Комментарий от Thottbot the location is right under the L in lake so iven if u dont have any mods u can find it, good luck people. Next to a broken boat. Комментарий от Thottbot 41,52 confirmed got it very quickly, less than one minute, and thanks to my unending breathing because im a lock, it was cake to kill a few murlocks along my swim. Комментарий от Thottbot this quest is all about timing. Комментарий от Thottbot Look at the map.

The toolbox is right on top of the L in lake. Комментарий от Thottbot The coords for the chest are 41, Hope it helps. Комментарий от Thottbot the lost tools is in a black box in the middle of the lake but its lvl 19 - 21 lvl murlocs there. The box are between some rocks. Комментарий от Thottbot i cant loot the chest and i got the quest wtf! Комментарий от Thottbot watch out for the murlocs and other creature s around the box where the tools are at.

Комментарий от Thottbot Exactly where every one said. If you jump off the bridge right near the murloc camp, and follow the cords from there, you will get the tool box uncontested.

Комментарий от Thottbot Erm watch out for lake threshers too if you are level Комментарий от Thottbot I completed it with my level 18 druid.

All you have to do is go to the south side of the bridge. Then you want to go east into the lake. From there, swim northeast around the murlocs and look for a chest.

Should be easy. I did it without pulling any mobs. Комментарий от Thottbot Its a pretty easy quest if you know were to go. Jumping off of a bridge or pier gets you under water but there seems to be no depth control.

I have seen other characters much deeper than mine goes. How long can you stay under water? Комментарий от Allakhazam Nah, no way. Three times dead, just not worth it.

Комментарий от Allakhazam 41,54 is incorrect, its actually right on the horizontal border if grid lines were visible of 40,55 and 41, Комментарий от Allakhazam Обглоданный труп there and look where it is, much easier then go here and move your mouse in so and so direction.

Комментарий от Allakhazam To swim, press down both mouse buttons and use your mouse to control the direction. I know there are some players that prefer to use the arrow keys instead of the mouse. Use the mouse when you swim. Комментарий от Allakhazam I had no issues with getting attacked I swam to 41,54 swam straight down, scoped out the scene, waited for the one murloc that was even remotely close to wander off and grabbed the chest without incident.

Комментарий от Allakhazam Dont jump fropm thje bridge. From town go past the bridge then make a left after the bridge then go into the water from there. Swim out to the "L" in lake and dive directly down form there. Open the box get the goody and go directly back up! Swim in where you entered. No aggression nothing. I went with my pet and we had no aggression from nothing.

Happy Hunting! Комментарий от Allakhazam the tool box is right above the L in lake at the very botom next to a suken boat. Комментарий от Allakhazam I just did this as a level 19 paladin; died trying to fight the murlocks; then i did it the way the prev writers said; just avoid avoid avoid! Комментарий от Allakhazam to swim, hold down the right mouse button to determine your direction, then just move forward. Комментарий от Allakhazam The actual box is at 40,54 - I know I just went got it!

There is an elite Thresher swimming around, just let it get outta the way. The box is rectangular and is near a sunken boat hull. The "L" of Lake is an accurate hint see below There are a lot of murlocs on the lake floor but just swim down to the bottom in between them make sure you are standing not swimming and click on the golden cogwheel - facile mes amis! Click x to go deeper and then spacebar jump to surface. Комментарий от Allakhazam I found this under the letter L when you look at the map for Lake Everstill.

Комментарий от Allakhazam i am having problem to find the toolbox how can i see the number 41, 54? Комментарий от Allakhazam This is a piece of cake for any level, but you have to do what is advised below in earlier posts: 1. Approach from southern side of lake, on east side of Bridge.

Pull up the map and go to where you see the "L" in "Lake Everstill". Use your cursor to scan the bottom of the lake on the left. There are two chests, the other one almost directly under you says "Locked".

Then you утраченные swim to the shore. Ящик инструментов Ослоу can be found east of the bridge, just above the letter "L" Вов Everstill at Good luck you guys. Swim east and look underwater - beware of level 18 утраченные 19 murlocs. IsQuestFlaggedCompleted Комментарий от Allakhazam 41,54 is incorrect, its actually right on the horizontal border вов grid lines were visible of 40,55 and 41,


Утраченные инструменты · Уровень: 16 · Требуется уровень: 15 · Хранитель мудрости: Хранитель мудрости Восточных королевств · Сторона: Альянс · Расы: Альянс. Ретбанская руда, 20, Альянс. 95 очков опыта ; Утраченные инструменты, 15, Альянс. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 90 очков опыта. Инструменты; Дополнительно; Аддоны · Реклама · WoW Circle Shadowlands x5 - База данныхЗаданияВосточные королевстваБесплодные земли. Краткая.

Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте.

Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript в вашем браузере.

Тема «Classic» Тема «Thottbot». Краткая информация. First, stand on the bridge leading into Lakeshire. Swim east and look underwater - beware of level 18 and 19 murlocs. Good luck! Комментарий от swotam This quest rewards Stormwind reputation as of patch 2. Комментарий от YAP, coords are Комментарий от Thottbot If you open up your world map, the chest is located at the top of the letter "L" in the word Lake.

There are no murlocs if you access it from the south shore of the lake by the bridge guards. Комментарий от Thottbot 41,54 confirmed.

Комментарий от Thottbot 41,55 today keep out of range of the murlocks! Комментарий от Thottbot It is near the "L" in ake everstill. IE: 3mins for kills worth of reasonable mobs. If your a pet class,.. At 15 I was able to do this without a problem, had one agro that I could have avoided,.. Could have killed it as well, but decided to "run" for it.

Good luck you guys. Комментарий от Thottbot Took me less than a minute, stay on the surface until you reach the coordinates, 42,55 then dive and there it is. Less than a minute, no murlocs. Комментарий от Thottbot i dont know what am i doing wrong Cross the bridge and walk down to the broken boat on the shore that you can see from the bridge. Then swim out to the L, locate the chest, dive down and bingo.

If you take care and watch out for the mobs, you should be OK. I did it easily with a 15th lvl mage as soon as I tried the south bank. Комментарий от Thottbot It IS at 41,54, approach from southern shore if you want to avoid aggro as stated before. I had no problems doing this with my level 17 Druid, with my partying equips on. Комментарий от Thottbot the location is right under the L in lake so iven if u dont have any mods u can find it, good luck people.

Next to a broken boat. Комментарий от Thottbot 41,52 confirmed got it very quickly, less than one minute, and thanks to my unending breathing because im a lock, it was cake to kill a few murlocks along my swim. Комментарий от Thottbot this quest is all about timing. Jumping off of a bridge or pier gets you under water but there seems to be no depth control. I have seen other characters much deeper than mine goes. How long can you stay under water? Комментарий от Allakhazam Nah, no way.

Three times dead, just not worth it. Комментарий от Allakhazam 41,54 is incorrect, its actually right on the horizontal border if grid lines were visible of 40,55 and 41, Комментарий от Allakhazam Обглоданный труп there and look where it is, much easier then go here and move your mouse in so and so direction.

Комментарий от Allakhazam To swim, press down both mouse buttons and use your mouse to control the direction. I know there are some players that prefer to use the arrow keys instead of the mouse. Use the mouse when you swim. Комментарий от Allakhazam I had no issues with getting attacked I swam to 41,54 swam straight down, scoped out the scene, waited for the one murloc that was even remotely close to wander off and grabbed the chest without incident.

Комментарий от Allakhazam Dont jump fropm thje bridge. From town go past the bridge then make a left after the bridge then go into the water from there. Swim out to the "L" in lake and dive directly down form there.

Open the box get the goody and go directly back up! Swim in where you entered. No aggression nothing. I went with my pet and we had no aggression from nothing. Happy Hunting! Комментарий от Allakhazam to swim, hold down the right mouse button to determine your direction, then just move forward.

Комментарий от Allakhazam The actual box is at 40,54 - I know I just went got it! There is an elite Thresher swimming around, just let it get outta the way. The box is rectangular and is near a sunken boat hull. The "L" of Lake is an accurate hint see below There are a lot of murlocs on the lake floor but just swim down to the bottom in between them make sure you are standing not swimming and click on the golden cogwheel - facile mes amis! Комментарий от Allakhazam I found this under the letter L when you look at the map for Lake Everstill.

Комментарий от Allakhazam i am having problem to find the toolbox how can i see the number 41, 54? Комментарий от Allakhazam This is a piece of cake for any level, but you have to do what is advised below in earlier posts: 1.

Approach from southern side of lake, on east side of Bridge. Pull up the map and go to where you see the "L" in "Lake Everstill". Use your cursor to scan the bottom of the lake on the left. There are two chests, the other one almost directly under you says "Locked". Just swim back to the south bank, stay close to the bridge The 2 Armor Kits reward is well worth it. Then you can reserect yourself right next to the chest so that no murlocs attack you.

Комментарий от Allakhazam duplicate Edited, Fri May 26 Комментарий от Allakhazam I found the chest right beneath the letter " L " on the map beneath the word Lake in "Lake Everstill". Then you can use them to dive and surface whilst you swim. It drove me crazy until i figured it out. Комментарий от Allakhazam This quest was easy. I found the chest at the bottom of the lake near where the letter "L" is on the map.

Комментарий от Allakhazam I did this first try at 17th level. Just swim straight down to it, watch for Murlocs. Grab the tools. Murlocs will come to you. Just go straight up. Then you can swim to the shore. Easy as pie. Комментарий от Allakhazam info in incorrect i accepted this quest at lvl Комментарий от Allakhazam The chest is easy enough to find. I dive using both mouse buttons and surface using space bar jump. My problem is the damn Lake Thresher lvl Комментарий от Allakhazam not that hard to find, just move your mouse around while swimming.

I found it on the east side of the bridge not too far and murlocs were swiming nearby. Комментарий от Allakhazam To find the tools, jump straight off the end of the single dock on the east side of the bridge by town. Swim east underwater and you will see the wreckage of a small boat on the bottom of the lake.

Continue east to another small boat wreckage by some rocks, the tools will be there inside a Sunken Chest. They keep having me to lunch. I found the chest in the deep hole under the word "lake" on the map. Комментарий от Boxofbeer To complete the quest you need to retrieve Ящик инструментов Ослоу from the bottom of Lake Everstill.

Ящик инструментов Ослоу can be found east of the bridge, just above the letter "L" Lake Everstill at Just beware few murlocs near the toolbox. Комментарий от madmurdock HC check: dont bother doing this quest before lvl The tools are guarded by lvl 20 murlocs and lvl 25 elite Nessie is swimming in that area too, though not too close. Unless other players are clearing that area for you, you can try, but a miss or resist series at orange or red mobs will kill you for good.

Foreman Oslow

Утраченные инструменты · Уровень: 16 · Требуется уровень: 15 · Хранитель мудрости: Хранитель мудрости Восточных королевств · Сторона: Альянс · Расы: Альянс. Ретбанская руда, 20, Альянс. 95 очков опыта ; Утраченные инструменты, 15, Альянс. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 90 очков опыта. Инструменты; Дополнительно; Аддоны · Реклама · WoW Circle Shadowlands x5 - База данныхЗаданияВосточные королевстваБесплодные земли. Краткая.

Утраченные инструменты вов: 2 комментариев

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